Category: Remedial Works

Electrical Safety Whilst At Home
Staying safe within your home is key for all. To do this, you have to take necessary precautions which means being vigilant with specific elements of your home. Electrical safety is one of these elements, and with some basic understanding you can implement these into your home to protect everyone. At IPF Electrical we are electrical experts with a wealth of knowledge within our industry. In our latest post we take a look at electrical safety whilst at home.
What Is Electrical Safety
Electrical safety is the process of ensuring that all appliances, fittings and various other electrical installations are all working as they should be. Checking the integrity of the things you use most is key to ensure that you reduce the chances of accidents or injury. With an emphasis being placed on electrical safety, the team at IPF Electrical conduct many a test and remedial work on people’s homes to ensure all is working as it needs to be.
Simple Electric Safety Checks
Electrical safety does not need to be complex, and there are a range of simple checkers and preventative measures you can take to protect yourself at home. Some of these checks include the following:-
Check The Fuse Boxes
Ensuring that your fused box is RCD protected will mean that in the event of a power surge or a fuse tripping out the power supply will be cut off to that appliance. This is a very common safety measure in most homes.
Plug Sockets In The Home
Overloading plug sockets is one of the most common ways to trip the electrics or cause potential incidents in your home. Ensure that all plugs are showing no visible signs of wear and tear, and try not to plug in too many appliances at one time.
Storing Items Safely
The storage of items is another basic and easy process. Never store items that are combustible next to fuse boxes, meters or other appliances. And also never run cables under rugs or carpets due to the heat which could cause fires.
Keep Electrics Away From The Bathroom
It goes without saying that electricity and water does not mix. This means that keeping appliances away from bathrooms is key to ensuring that no accidents or incidents occur.
Only Use Appliances When At Home
We are all guilty of using appliances when not at home. This may be leaving the washing machine or dishwasher on. There is a chance when left unattended that a fire may occur which could be detrimental to your home. Only use these appliances when you are within your home.
How To Stay Safe At Home
As mentioned above staying safe at home is really important. With a vast array of electrical appliances always being used, it is really important to make sure that safety precautions are taken where possible. Below you will see the key areas appliances are used and the best ways you can stay safe at home.
Electrical Safety In The Kitchen
The kitchen is the location within your home where you find most accidents or fires tend to occur. This is why it is important to make sure that you lay down some ground rules within your home. The main reason it tends to be a key place for incidents is usually down to the fact that there is always a mixture of water and electricity.
Mitigating the risk of water and electricity coming into contact, there are some very basic things in which you can do. The first one is to make sure that electrics are kept at a minimum of 30cm away from the sink. This is to limit the chance of water making contact with sockets and appliances. Equally, appliances beneath worktops should have a separate fuse circuit so that it is more accessible.
Alongside limiting the contact of water and electrics, ensure that cables and leads are kept tidy within the kitchen. Check them regularly to ensure that there are no issues, and if there are then replace as necessary.
Electrical Safety In The Garden
Even outside your home is it important to make sure that you focus on your electrical safety. The use of mowers, strimmers and hedge trimmers are the most commonly used appliances. Even though they make the process of cutting grass and bushes easier, there is a chance that accidents and incidents can occur. Especially if you cut through the lead, or find yourself cutting on a wet surface.
The best way to combat this is to make sure that you have an RCD safety cut out on the equipment in which you are using. This will help to ensure that if you do cut the cord then you are protected from the electric shock that may occur afterwards.
Electrical Safety In Other Areas
Alongside the kitchen and outdoor areas of your home it is important to make sure the bedrooms, front room, dining room and bathroom are also taken care of in the same level of attention. Ensure that you are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that electrical safety is at a high within your home. This will only help to prevent injury or accidents from occurring.
To Conclude
Electrical safety whilst at home is crucial to ensuring that everyone is safe. With the amount of electrical appliances being used in today’s home increasing, it is crucial that you consider the implications if something is to go wrong. As well as making sure that all the correct preventative measures are in place. At IPF Electrical we are accredited electrical engineers with a keen focus on electrical testing and remedial work. For more information on our services please do Contact Us.

Fuse Board Replacement: What Does It Entail
The fuse board within your home is an integral piece of equipment for providing electricity but also protecting those from accident or injury. Ensuring that all is working correctly, as well as being up to safety standards are all considerations you need to have. At IPF we are committed to ensuring that all of our clients have safe, efficient and working fuse boxes to power their homes. In our latest article we take a look at fuse board replacement: what does it entail.
What Is A Fuse Board?
A fuse board is a major electrical unit that divides the electrical supply from the input mechanisms into the home and translates it to the electrical circuits in order to power various appliances. A domestic fuse board is made up of a variety of parts which include fuses and residual current devices. The fuse board is an integral part of the home so it is important that it is maintained and upgraded as and when needed.
Why Should I Replace My Fuse Board?
When it comes to replacing your fuse board there are a few reasons why it will be beneficial. Having this work carried out is important for the integrity of your home or building. What is also very important is having this work carried out by registered and trained professionals who are highly experienced in this area. Some of the reasons behind why you should have your fuse board replaced are as follows:-
Fire Protection
Electrical faults are the cause of most house fires within the UK. With a large percentage of these fires also related directly to a faulty fuse board. Therefore having a replacement or even an upgrade is very much paramount to protection. In 2016 there was a move from plastic consumer unit cabinets to non-combustible materials which were designed to reduce the risk of fires spreading throughout homes and buildings.
Electric Shock Protection
If you have an 18th edition or better consumer unit installed in your home then you will benefit from RCD or residual current device. This is a life saving device that is designed to prevent you from getting a fatal electric shock. It will also provide protection against electrical fires. Therefore the need to replace your fuse board with something modern can be very beneficial.
Additional Ways
If you find that your current fuse board is full then a new upgrade or even large board can provide additional ways for your requirements. Older fuse boards have less ways than modern. This is due to the fact that there is more requirement needed in a modern home than there was around 20 years ago.
What Does The Process Entail?
The process of having a fuse board changed will usually take around a day’s work. This therefore allows the electrician to make the changes needed then carry out testing to ensure that all is working as it should be. If there other factors like location of the fuse meter which needs to be taken into account, this could take slightly longer.
When it comes to replacing a fuse board this is definitely more cost effective than upgrading what you have. This is mainly due to the extent of which upgrades are needed and it may cost more for materials and also labour.
Before the consumer unit is changed, the electrician will have checked to make sure that the distributor’s equipment at the origin of the installation and the earthing and bonding all comply with safety regulations. It is from here that work is able to begin. If the necessary components do not fit with safety regulations then these elements will also need to be replaced as well.
Once all of the necessary work has been completed, there is a set of rigorous tests which are then carried out. These make sure that all is safe to be connected and utilised by the homeowners themselves.
To Conclude
Replacing electrical equipment in your home is a must. This is highlighted in this article on fuse board replacement: what does it entail. The safety elements of a new and modern fuse board far outweigh those older and more dated models. With such an emphasis on home safety it is vital that you take all of the necessary precautions. At IPF Electrical we are vastly experienced in fuse boards, and have installed numerous variations to a variety of settings. If you would like more information on our services then please do feel free to Contact Us.