Author: Ellie Bancroft

Electrical Safety Whilst At Home
Staying safe within your home is key for all. To do this, you have to take necessary precautions which means being vigilant with specific elements of your home. Electrical safety is one of these elements, and with some basic understanding you can implement these into your home to protect everyone. At IPF Electrical we are electrical experts with a wealth of knowledge within our industry. In our latest post we take a look at electrical safety whilst at home.
What Is Electrical Safety
Electrical safety is the process of ensuring that all appliances, fittings and various other electrical installations are all working as they should be. Checking the integrity of the things you use most is key to ensure that you reduce the chances of accidents or injury. With an emphasis being placed on electrical safety, the team at IPF Electrical conduct many a test and remedial work on people’s homes to ensure all is working as it needs to be.
Simple Electric Safety Checks
Electrical safety does not need to be complex, and there are a range of simple checkers and preventative measures you can take to protect yourself at home. Some of these checks include the following:-
Check The Fuse Boxes
Ensuring that your fused box is RCD protected will mean that in the event of a power surge or a fuse tripping out the power supply will be cut off to that appliance. This is a very common safety measure in most homes.
Plug Sockets In The Home
Overloading plug sockets is one of the most common ways to trip the electrics or cause potential incidents in your home. Ensure that all plugs are showing no visible signs of wear and tear, and try not to plug in too many appliances at one time.
Storing Items Safely
The storage of items is another basic and easy process. Never store items that are combustible next to fuse boxes, meters or other appliances. And also never run cables under rugs or carpets due to the heat which could cause fires.
Keep Electrics Away From The Bathroom
It goes without saying that electricity and water does not mix. This means that keeping appliances away from bathrooms is key to ensuring that no accidents or incidents occur.
Only Use Appliances When At Home
We are all guilty of using appliances when not at home. This may be leaving the washing machine or dishwasher on. There is a chance when left unattended that a fire may occur which could be detrimental to your home. Only use these appliances when you are within your home.
How To Stay Safe At Home
As mentioned above staying safe at home is really important. With a vast array of electrical appliances always being used, it is really important to make sure that safety precautions are taken where possible. Below you will see the key areas appliances are used and the best ways you can stay safe at home.
Electrical Safety In The Kitchen
The kitchen is the location within your home where you find most accidents or fires tend to occur. This is why it is important to make sure that you lay down some ground rules within your home. The main reason it tends to be a key place for incidents is usually down to the fact that there is always a mixture of water and electricity.
Mitigating the risk of water and electricity coming into contact, there are some very basic things in which you can do. The first one is to make sure that electrics are kept at a minimum of 30cm away from the sink. This is to limit the chance of water making contact with sockets and appliances. Equally, appliances beneath worktops should have a separate fuse circuit so that it is more accessible.
Alongside limiting the contact of water and electrics, ensure that cables and leads are kept tidy within the kitchen. Check them regularly to ensure that there are no issues, and if there are then replace as necessary.
Electrical Safety In The Garden
Even outside your home is it important to make sure that you focus on your electrical safety. The use of mowers, strimmers and hedge trimmers are the most commonly used appliances. Even though they make the process of cutting grass and bushes easier, there is a chance that accidents and incidents can occur. Especially if you cut through the lead, or find yourself cutting on a wet surface.
The best way to combat this is to make sure that you have an RCD safety cut out on the equipment in which you are using. This will help to ensure that if you do cut the cord then you are protected from the electric shock that may occur afterwards.
Electrical Safety In Other Areas
Alongside the kitchen and outdoor areas of your home it is important to make sure the bedrooms, front room, dining room and bathroom are also taken care of in the same level of attention. Ensure that you are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that electrical safety is at a high within your home. This will only help to prevent injury or accidents from occurring.
To Conclude
Electrical safety whilst at home is crucial to ensuring that everyone is safe. With the amount of electrical appliances being used in today’s home increasing, it is crucial that you consider the implications if something is to go wrong. As well as making sure that all the correct preventative measures are in place. At IPF Electrical we are accredited electrical engineers with a keen focus on electrical testing and remedial work. For more information on our services please do Contact Us.

What Are The Benefits Of Smart Thermostats
Technology has most definitely changed the way in which we live and interact with various appliances within our home. This has now moved into the electrical industry with the introduction of smart thermostats. These thermostats have become a very popular addition to most homes, and looks to continue growing. At IPF Electrical we have a keen interest in these devices, as well as finding ourselves fitting many per year. In our latest article we take a look at the benefits of smart thermostats.
What Is A Smart Thermostat?
A smart thermostat is a new piece of technology that allows you to connect your heating system to the internet. This therefore allows you to change the temperature of your home, or even turn off your heating from whatever device you have connected. It is also possible from a desktop computer as well.
How Are They Installed?
When it comes to installing a smart thermostat these are very similar to their manual alternatives. Just like a normal model they require adjustments to be carried out for the few weeks or so. Before installation you need to make sure that your home ‘s HVAC or electrical system is compatible. This can be decided by a registered electrical engineer or carrying out an eligibility check with the supplier.
As well as having the right electrical systems, you need to ensure you have Wi-Fi within your home. This is how you connect the smart thermostat to various systems, as well as maximise its full potential when you are inside or outside your home.
What Are The Benefits?
As with most things, before having one installed you are going to want to know the benefits which are associated. When it comes to smart thermostats they have been growing in popularity. And those that have one installed understand why after a month or so of use. Below you will see a list of these benefits that are most commonly relaid to us from our clients. Therefore some of the benefits to smart thermostats include the following:-
Bigger Energy Savings
When it comes to the main benefit of a smart thermostat it is important to focus on the energy savings aspect. A smart thermostat takes into account usage and variable programmes which it learns over the first few weeks of installation. This ensures that you can get your home to an optimal temperature and energy usage without the need for constant adjustment.
By having this ideal you can ensure that your home is limiting the amount of wastage in which it produces and as we know costs a lot of money to homeowners. This also works well with the changing seasons of the year and also differing needs at specific times. Your thermostat is able to know each and everyone of these to create the best and most efficient environment.
Easy To Use
Not that a manual thermostat is hard to use but neither is a more technical smart thermostat. With a really easy user interface they do not need a technology degree to operate. The screen on the thermostat is a modern touchscreen. This allows the users to notice all of the key information in which you need.
Remote Access
The reason why Wi-Fi is a key focus of a smart thermostat is because you are able to access it when you are not in your home. This means that you are able to plan and action how your home should be heated even before you walk through the door. Turning the heating up or even down has never been easier. Downloading the app for your phone makes it accessible anywhere.
Get Exactly What You Need
As with the first benefit we discussed in savings, getting exactly what you need is very beneficial. That way you are limiting any wastage that may be present currently. By also having full control you can ensure your home is heated to the level you need be that when you first wake up in the morning or when you come home from work. The preloaded modes are fully customisable.
To Conclude
With the advances in technology it is clear to see why smart thermostats have become popular. Before having one installed you should take an in-depth look at what are the benefits of smart thermostats. This will allow you to decide if there is a need for it within your home. At IPF Electrical we are specialist electrical installation experts with a variety of industry based experience. For more information on our services and what we offer please do Contact Us.

5 Electrical Safety Tips You Must Follow
With an increase in the amount of appliances people are now using in their homes, the chances of electrical accidents and incidents occurring has greatly increased. When it comes to electrical safety most people are unaware of some of the basic preventative measures they are able to take to ensure they are safe within their homes. At IPF Electrical we advise clients daily on the reasons why we take electrical safety so seriously. In our latest article we take a look at the 5 electrical safety tips you must follow.
Why Is Electrical Safety Important?
The importance of electrical safety is present in everyday lives. With more and more things becoming technical, connecting these to your home or business presents further chances of issues with your electrical system. This is why having regular tests carried out be that of your electrical system or even PAT tests can really help to reduce the risk of accident or injury.
What Are The 5 Tips
As mentioned, with such an emphasis on electrical safety within your home, the 5 tips that we have put together are ones in which we discuss with our clients on a daily basis. Understanding these tips and also implementing them will definitely help to make sure that in the long run you are safe from incidents or accidents. The 5 electrical safety tips you must follow include the following:-
Have Your Electrics Tested
We will begin with our key area of expertise. Having your electrics tested may not be top of your list, however it is advised that homeowners have this done at least once every 10 years. By testing your electrics you can ensure that your consumer unit and also electrical installations are still up to the same standard they were when first installed. This is key as general wear and tear does occur.
Replace or Repair Damaged Cords
Damaged cords are one of the single biggest reasons for fires and electrocution. Therefore they present one of the highest residential safety risks there is. All power and extension cords should be checked regularly for faults. And as they are very commonly used in homes, they are more susceptible to damage. Ensure that all power cords are able to move freely and are not stapled or placed under rugs or furniture. This will decrease the chance of trip hazards as well as potential overheating.
Most of the time people will use a power cord as they do not have access to the necessary amount of points in which they need within their home. To eliminate this, asking for a registered engineer to come to your home and fit more points is definitely a safer option.
Unplug All Unused Appliances
One of the simplest and most basic ways to ensure that you are kept safe, or limit any potential accidents is to unplug or switch off all appliances when you are not present within the building. This does not only save you power by reducing any “phantom drain” but also ensure that any unused appliances are not in a position where they are going to overheat or have the chance to powersurge.
Keep Electrical Outlets Away From Water
It goes without saying that water and electricity definitely do not mix well. Therefore keeping them apart is vital for the safety of those within your home. Mixing water with electricity is a one way trip to potential electrocution which can be fatal in some instances. Ensure that when replacing fittings, or using appliances that your hands are also dry at all times to avoid this from happening. If an appliance is exposed to water then allow it adequate time to dry before using once again.
Always Follow Appliance Instructions
Appliances come with instructions for a reason, and this is not just due to showing you how to use something. It also ensures the safe use of this appliance. With electricity involved there is always a chance that an accident could occur. So reading the instructions is a great way to understand what you should and shouldn’t do. If you are still unsure, then contact the manufacturer for more details. If not there is an abundance of reading material online.
To Conclude
Electrical safety is prevalent in everyday lives, so ensuring that you keep on top of it is a must. Our 5 electrical safety tips you should must know is key to keeping people feeling safe and assured when at home. Electrical systems need to be maintained and tested to ensure that they are running as they need to be. At IPF Electrical we are specialists in electrical testing and also installations. For more information on how we could help to keep your home safe please do Contact Us.

Fuse Board Replacement: What Does It Entail
The fuse board within your home is an integral piece of equipment for providing electricity but also protecting those from accident or injury. Ensuring that all is working correctly, as well as being up to safety standards are all considerations you need to have. At IPF we are committed to ensuring that all of our clients have safe, efficient and working fuse boxes to power their homes. In our latest article we take a look at fuse board replacement: what does it entail.
What Is A Fuse Board?
A fuse board is a major electrical unit that divides the electrical supply from the input mechanisms into the home and translates it to the electrical circuits in order to power various appliances. A domestic fuse board is made up of a variety of parts which include fuses and residual current devices. The fuse board is an integral part of the home so it is important that it is maintained and upgraded as and when needed.
Why Should I Replace My Fuse Board?
When it comes to replacing your fuse board there are a few reasons why it will be beneficial. Having this work carried out is important for the integrity of your home or building. What is also very important is having this work carried out by registered and trained professionals who are highly experienced in this area. Some of the reasons behind why you should have your fuse board replaced are as follows:-
Fire Protection
Electrical faults are the cause of most house fires within the UK. With a large percentage of these fires also related directly to a faulty fuse board. Therefore having a replacement or even an upgrade is very much paramount to protection. In 2016 there was a move from plastic consumer unit cabinets to non-combustible materials which were designed to reduce the risk of fires spreading throughout homes and buildings.
Electric Shock Protection
If you have an 18th edition or better consumer unit installed in your home then you will benefit from RCD or residual current device. This is a life saving device that is designed to prevent you from getting a fatal electric shock. It will also provide protection against electrical fires. Therefore the need to replace your fuse board with something modern can be very beneficial.
Additional Ways
If you find that your current fuse board is full then a new upgrade or even large board can provide additional ways for your requirements. Older fuse boards have less ways than modern. This is due to the fact that there is more requirement needed in a modern home than there was around 20 years ago.
What Does The Process Entail?
The process of having a fuse board changed will usually take around a day’s work. This therefore allows the electrician to make the changes needed then carry out testing to ensure that all is working as it should be. If there other factors like location of the fuse meter which needs to be taken into account, this could take slightly longer.
When it comes to replacing a fuse board this is definitely more cost effective than upgrading what you have. This is mainly due to the extent of which upgrades are needed and it may cost more for materials and also labour.
Before the consumer unit is changed, the electrician will have checked to make sure that the distributor’s equipment at the origin of the installation and the earthing and bonding all comply with safety regulations. It is from here that work is able to begin. If the necessary components do not fit with safety regulations then these elements will also need to be replaced as well.
Once all of the necessary work has been completed, there is a set of rigorous tests which are then carried out. These make sure that all is safe to be connected and utilised by the homeowners themselves.
To Conclude
Replacing electrical equipment in your home is a must. This is highlighted in this article on fuse board replacement: what does it entail. The safety elements of a new and modern fuse board far outweigh those older and more dated models. With such an emphasis on home safety it is vital that you take all of the necessary precautions. At IPF Electrical we are vastly experienced in fuse boards, and have installed numerous variations to a variety of settings. If you would like more information on our services then please do feel free to Contact Us.

How Often Should I Have My Electrics Tested In My Home
It is natural over time, that all electrical systems deteriorate as they are used so often. That is why it is important to have the necessary tests carried out to ensure their integrity and safety. For homeowners this is particularly important as the usage of specific systems is a lot higher than anywhere else. At IPF Electrical we are accredited electrical engineers. In our latest article we take a look at how often I should have my electrics tested in my home.
What Is Electrical Testing?
Electrical testing is the process of having an accredited and registered electrician enter your home to complete a full inspection on the electrical installations. During this test a full visual as well as deeper inspection is carried out to make sure that all of your electrical installations are working as they should be.
Over time and due to wear and tear many electrical installations will deteriorate. That is why it is important to have them inspected at least every 10 years. This will help to ensure that no accidents or injuries occur from faulty electrics, but also any remedial work that needs to be completed is not as extensive or potentially expensive.
How Often Should They Be Tested?
Depending on what context you are looking at, electrical testing will be dependent on how often they should be tested. If you are a homeowner this will differ from those who are renting out their properties. Whichever it may be, having your electrics tested is a must, due to wear and tear as well as how often they are used within your home. The explanation for homeowners and rented accommodation is as follows:-
For Homeowners
For homeowners it is recommended that your electrics are tested once every 10 years. However, if you find yourself moving into a new home it is always worthwhile having a check done to know if there is any remedial work going to be needed. The tests will determine the safety and conditioning of the wiring within your home.
In addition to the 10 year testing rule, if you find that your home is showing signs of wear and tear or any of the following are occurring then you should consider having an electrical test carried out:-
- Regular circuit breaker trips
- Burning smells
- Slight electric shocks from sockets
- Sparking
- Flickering lights
- Irregularities with outlets, sockets or switches.
For Landlords
If you are a landlord it is your responsibility to ensure that those who are renting your home are safe. This is why it is suggested that every 5 years an electrical test should be carried out. Or ideally between tenants. This ensures that the new people moving into your home are safe, as well as all electrics working as they should be. It is a legal requirement for all landlords and one in which not adhered to can have severe consequences.
What Does The Test Check For?
The test should be carried out by an accredited and certified professional. They will be checking the electrics within your home against the UK standard for the safety of electrical wiring. Their inspection will also take into account the following areas:-
- The adequacy of earthing and bonding.
- The suitability of switchgear and controlgear.
- The serviceability of the switchgear, sockets and light fittings. Items that may need replacing include older round-pin sockets, round light switches and any sockets that may be mounted on circuit boards.
- The type of wiring system and its condition. This will be dependent on the age of your home.
- Sockets that may be used to supply portable electrical equipment for outdoor use.
- The presence of adequate identification and notices.
- The extent of any wear and tear or damage that has occurred over time.
- Any changes in use of premises which may have led to unsafe conditions.
To Conclude
Having electrical testing carried out is important to your home, especially for those that are renting or moving into somewhere new. How often you should have your electrics tested in your home does come with a general rule however. If you feel that your house could benefit from it then it is highly recommended to have it completed. At IPF Electrical we have a number of years experience in the world of electrical testing among other services. For more information on how we can help and also what other services we offer then please feel free to Contact Us.

What Is An EICR?
With such an emphasis on safety within buildings or properties having the necessary checks completed, it is now a regulatory requirement. Carrying out these checks not only satisfies regulations but also ensures the safety of those within your building or property. At IPF Electrical we are experienced electrical installation experts. In our latest article we take an in-depth look at what is an EICR.
What Does EICR Stand For?
EICR stands for electrical condition report. This in-depth inspection is carried out on your properties/buildings electrical systems and installations. The report is designed to assess the electricals within your home to ensure that they are operating as they should be, as well as to limit any incidents that may occur. During the test, each element is split into 3 categories. These categories are as follows:-
- C1 – Indicates that danger does exist and will need immediate attention.
- C2 – Indicates that there is potential for danger and advises urgent attention
- C3 – Indicates that the electrics pose no danger however it is still recommended to have improvement work carried out.
Once you receive your EICR back from a regulated and trained individual, you are then able to look at what work, if any, needs to be carried out to ensure that your home/building is safe from electrical failings.
Who Needs An EICR?
There are varying situations to who and when you need to have an EICR completed. What can be said is that over time naturally the installations of electrics as well as their components do wear due to extensive use. This is why having one completed is vital for the safety of those within homes and businesses. Some of the guidelines for various situations include the following:-
Homeowners are required to have an EICR carried out every 10 years. It is also important to have one completed if you are moving out of your home as well as moving into somewhere new. This helps to ensure electrical integrity at both ends. There has also been a common rise in insurance policies requiring an EICR as well. The only exception to the 10 year rule is if you have a swimming pool. This then moves to a yearly EICR check.
Rented Homes
Under the ‘Landlord and Tenants Act (1985)’ it is required that the electrical elements are maintained and checked throughout the duration of tenancy. It is therefore recommended that an EICR assessment is carried out once every 5 years, or ideally at the change of tenancy. This helps to ensure electrical elements have not been tampered with during that previous person’s occupancy.
Whilst it is not a legal requirement for businesses to have an EICR, it is the responsibility for the employer to keep people safe under the Health and Safety at Work Act. This law states it is integral for employers to ensure that all precautions are taken to protect employees. Therefore having an EICR completed once every 5 years is usually what is recommended.
What Happens During An EICR?
During an EICR the approved contractor will check the electrical installations against the requirements of BS7671- Requirements for Electrical Installations. The following areas are checked for their integrity and to ensure their working is correct:-
- Adequacy or earthing and bonding
- Suitability of switchgear and control gear (Consumer Unit)
- Type of wiring system and its condition
- Provision of residual current devices for socket-outlets that may be used to plug in equipment
- Presence of adequate identification and notices
- Extent of any wear and tear or damage/deterioration
- Changes in the of the premises which have led to or caused any issues installation
All of these areas are checked thoroughly and make up the basis of an EICR assessment. At the end, the approved contractor will be able to notify you of any areas of failing as well as any remedial work that may need to be carried out in order to pass the assessment.
What Happens If I Fail An EICR Inspection?
If you find yourself in a position where your home or building fails an EICR it is then your responsibility to have remedial work completed. This remedial work will look at the failed areas on your assessment and improve or correct such failings as appropriate. It is then your job to ensure that a retest is carried out once the remedial work has been completed. The timescales on this will be solely down to how extensive the remedial work needs to be.
To Conclude
An EICR is a required component for your home to ensure the safety of the electrical systems in which you have installed. Understanding what is an EICR gives you a better understanding of the importance of this check within your home or business. At IPF Electrical we are highly experienced and accredited electrical installation experts. For more information on how we support your home or business, as well as carry out any EICR assessments or remedial work then please do Contact Us.

What Is PAT Testing?
The use of electrical appliances is very much apparent in our daily lives. At work more specifically it is important to keep people safe and limit any accidents or issues that may arise. In order to do this you need to ensure appliances are tested, and this is where PAT Testing comes in. At IPF Electrical we are specialists in our industry with a number of years of experience. In our latest article we take an indepth look at what is PAT Testing.
What Does PAT Stand For?
The PAT in PAT Testing stands for portable appliance testing. To what degree something is classed as a portable appliance is difficult as there is no definition in current legislation. However, most would class it as ‘any appliance that has a plug and also plugs into a wall outlet’. The word portable sometimes make its a bit misleading, however the 7 main categories that are usually PAT Tested include the following:-
- Fixed Appliances
- Stationary Appliances
- IT Appliances
- Moveable Appliances
- Portable Appliances
- Cables and Chargers
- Hand Held Appliances
What Is A PAT Test?
A PAT test is a routine inspection of a variety of electrical equipment to ensure that they are safe to use. The overall purpose of this test is to ensure that there are limited to no electrical accidents which could cause harm or danger to the user. You will be able to identify if an item has been PAT tested as it will be covered by a green sticker that says passed, as well as the date when it was tested and will need to be tested again.
What Items Should Be Tested
Within the 7 main categories we have listed above, items will also be put into two further categories these being ‘Electrical Class’ and ‘Category’. Both of these are important to determine which items need to be tested. Understanding what both of these areas mean will help to classify products further. In more depth, both of these sections include the following:-
Electrical Classes
Electrical appliances are broken down in Class 1, 2 and 3. Class 1 is the most dangerous and Class 3 is the least dangerous. The class of the appliance helps to determine whether it firstly needs to be PAT tested and also to what degree it needs. For example, Class 1 appliances need a full PAT Test where Class 3 do not need one at all. To break down the classes further, some of the criteria is as follows:-
- Class 1 – The type of electrical equipment that has only basic insulation and relies on earth for protection.
- Class 2 – The type of electrical equipment that has an extra insulation method so does not rely just on earth for protection. Therefore making it a safer appliance.
- Class 3 – Low voltage items that are classed as the safest of electrical appliances. Their charging leads may need to be PAT tested but will depend on the item.
As mentioned in the first part of this article, there are 7 categories in which appliances are broken down into. Each category will have a selection of appliances which fall into it. It is from here that each appliance is then put into the classing system as noted above. The electrical specialist will then decide if the item is needing a full PAT Test or none whatsoever. By having this grading structure it is easy for electrical specialists to make informed decisions about what needs to be done.
How Often Should Items Be PAT Tested?
There is no specific frequency to how long between each PAT test, however items are placed into a grading criteria once again to determine what is going to be best. Regulators do advise that precautions should be taken that are ‘appropriate’ to risk. To determine what frequency should be applied to each appliance they are graded as follows:
- Risk level of working environment
- The electrical class of the appliance
- The category of the appliance
To break this down further, the environment in which you work in i.e NHS hospital would mean more regular testing than those in an office block. This is where taking appropriate measures to ensure lowered risk is needed. The class and category of the item are also taken into consideration as discussed above in the previous section.
Alongside looking at ‘appropriate’ precautions, the health and safety executive also recommend that you also take into account the following criteria:-
- Manufacturers recommendation
- The ages of the equipment
- Frequency of use
- Foreseeable misues of equipment
- The history of testing
To Conclude
As you can see the use of PAT testing is very beneficial in many environments. Its primary use as explained thoroughly in what is PAT Testing, is to keep users of a variety of electrical appliances safe. With more of an emphasis placed on health and safety than ever it is vital that you keep up to date with any PAT testing requirements and needs. If you are in need of having PAT Tests completed, or would like some advice then IPF Electrical are more than happy to assist so please do Contact Us.